Academic books Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 Sage: 2011 Chapters contributed to books Chapter 18: A pragmatist case for thoughtfulness and experimentation in corporate governance. In T. Talaulicar (Ed.), Research Handbook on Corporate Governance and Ethics (pp. 310-327). Cheltenham, Glos.: Edward Elgar. Chapter 4 – Liminality, purpose, and psychological ownership: Board decision practices as a route to stewardship. In O. Marnet (Ed.), Research Handbook on Corporate Board Decision-Making (pp. 41-62). Cheltenham, Glos.: Edward Elgar. Chapter 3, “Corporate Governance and the Board”Springer, 2011 Chapter 10, “Unfettered Agents? The Role of Ethics in Corporate Governance”Chapter 21, “Politics of Shareholder Activism”Wiley, 2010 Chapter 10, “Fairness in Assessing Group projects”IUP Press, Bangalore, 2009 Chapter 3, “Knowledge Management: Revisiting the ‘ba’ Humbug”IUP Press Bangalore, 2009